Activated Charcoal: Uses, Benefits & Fun Facts
activated charcoal skin toxins
Becky De GraafMaybe you've already heard of activated charcoal and its use as a powerful natural remedy within the realm of alternative medicine. And maybe it's all completely new to you. In either case, it would be quite natural for you to wonder: why on earth would I want to eat charcoal, or spread it onto my skin? And does this mean that I can just grind up some barbecue briquettes -- those chunks of fuel I use to grill steaks, burgers and skewered veggies, during summertime backyard picnics? Read on to learn more about the health benefits of activated charcoal, and...
Is Your Detergent Leaving Poop On Your Panties?
Becky De GraafReally? ... Wow! This question -- "Is my laundry detergent leaving poop on my panties?" -- is probably one that you don't often (if ever) consider. But -- given what scientists have recently been learning about how detergents work or don't work -- maybe you should. As reported by ABC News: Your dirty laundry may actually be even dirtier after you wash it. That's because experts say washing machines are teeming with bacteria that find their way onto your clothes -- and then onto you. Our smallest items -- our undergarments -- are the biggest culprits because of the presence of fecal matter and...
How To Detox Your Armpits
antiperspirants body odor deodorant grass fed tallow patchouli essential oil tallow deodorant tea tree essential oil
Becky De GraafLet's face it - our armpits can really stink sometimes. While underarm odor annoying, it isn't necessarily unhealthy. It's typically caused by the bacteria that live in our armpits, and while these colonies of bacteria are quite harmless, the smell that they create can be off-putting for the people around us. However, turning to harsh chemicals to cover up the smell or kill the bacteria can end up doing more harm than good, and can even end up making you smell worse in the long run. Read on to learn more about what causes underarm smell, why over-the-counter products can...
How To Use A Shampoo Bar -- And Why You Should
Becky De GraafMany shampoos and hair care products on the market today are loaded with harsh chemicals that end up damaging your hair and stripping away the healthy oils. One great alternative for people who want to take better care of their hair is a shampoo bar. For thousands of years, since around 2800 BC, when soap was first invented, people have been using soap to wash their hair. We know there are no detrimental side effects, or we certainly would have heard about it by now. Synthetic shampoos, on the other hand, have been around for less than 100 years, which...
The Lowdown On (So-Called) "Tear-Free Soap"
Becky De GraafA Child's Tears No one likes to hear a child crying. Instinctively, we want to find out what's wrong, and do something to make it right. So when our son or daughter "makes a boo-boo" by splashing a bit of soap in their eyes while in their bath or shower, and then lets us know – through their tears – that this doesn't feel very good, we'll of course be motivated to find a way to prevent this from happening. We may be tempted, for instance, to purchase "tear-free" varieties of shampoo and soap. But is this really the healthiest...